Monday, July 9, 2007


The other day at the pool when Dani and I were sitting at a table in the food area, and it turned out a couple guys from my school who I had seen earlier in the pool, were sitting at the table across from us with a bunch of their friends from the local public school. One of the guys, AC, was the one who kept saying hi to me toward the last couple months of school. The other one was PB, who I have a small crush on, but he's a total jerk so I'm almost over him. Anyway, when Dani and I sat down, AC said hi to me and then everyone else waved. I was like OMG! And I was totally freaking out inside. THEN one of the guys who I've never met before came over to us and asked me what grade I was in, if I knew those guys, and if I went to the same school as them. I told him my grade and that yeah I knew them and I go to their school. Then another guy came over and was like "How's life?" I replied, "Uh...good..." Then they both walked away, leaving me there, freaking out. It's not every day a couple cute and popular guys from school say hi to me AND a couple of their cute friends come over and talk to me...They have no idea how they made my dad...

I can't even think of anything else that's been going on...I still can't stop thinking about that instance.

- Shelly

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