Thursday, January 3, 2008

Holidays And Such

Thanksgiving was pretty fun. We went to my aunt's house and hung out with my family.

For Christmas I got:

Shrek 3
Hannah Montana: Pop Star Profile
Spiderman 2


Pink Bracelet
Nancy Drew Game

Not a lot, but I know that that isn't the meaning of Christmas. I had fun with all of my family on Christmas Eve and then once again with only some of my family on Christmas day. =)

Online I found a 4 GB mp3 player for $35, so my dad ordered it for me for my b-day. =D I can't wait!

Nothing else really new. I don't want to go back to school on Monday...heh.

- Shelly

Saturday, November 10, 2007


I feel so used. That girl was only staring at me on the bus cuz she was listening in on my BFF and me to report to her older sister. She is trying to find things to gossip about. She's that kind of person that needs to bring others down to bring herself up. I can't believe she brought her sister into it too. Her sister must be a little clone of her. Ugh. I don't know why she stares at me when she gets off though. She like stares and then smirks like she's amused. I've just started to ignore her.

Yay my crush broke up with his girlfriend! I can stop being quite as mad at him. :)

My cousin told this random guy that I like him...Well, he mouthed it to him. I hope he didn't understand, cuz that would be really bad. If his girlfriend found out, she'd be really mad at me. Cuz they're both like obsessed with each other. XD So I pray he didn't understand. *sigh*

Nothing else really new. Life really hasn't gotten all the much better yet...but I'm hanging on.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Bad news, bad news, and bad news

Okay, so I didn't get to go to the concert and today I found out that this guy I know would have been able to get free tickets and might have given them to me. :( I'm so tired of everyone talking about it, and I hate seeing all these girls with t-shirts from the show. I really want to buy one on ebay, then maybe I'll feel a little better.

My crush is now going out with this one girl who is sometimes nice to me...Other times she just ignores me. Sometimes she randomly comes up to my BFF and I and says we're her new best friends...I think it's all an act. I don't think she really cares about us that much...And now whenever she does it, I have to force a smile.

There's this Halloween Party I want to go to, but I don't want to go alone. My BFF doesn't really want to go, cuz she doesn't think anything will happen with her and her crush (she's so wrong), PLUS last night she got in a fight with her parents and now they won't even let her go. Hopefully she can persuade them tonight...

Okay, so there's this girl in my grade who is one my bus. And she has a younger sister in my younger sister's grade. The younger sister has this blank...almost lost look in her eyes when she's alone and not talking to anyone. I know I have that kind of look a lot...mostly when I'm sitting alone or just not talking to anyone. So, when they get off the bus in the afternoon, the younger sister usually looks at the bus with that look, and her eyes land on me. At first I just thought they happened to land on me, but when I avert my eyes slightly down and to the left, her gaze follows mine. And they still have that lost look. And I like looking into her eyes like that because it makes me feel like I'm not alone. Like she knows how it feels to feel so lost and alone.

Her old sister is this really popular girl who gets everything she wants and so is totally spoiled. I always assumed her younger sister would be the same, but even if she is popular, I think she has a depth to her that her old sister doesn't have. But she just puzzles me. I want to know more about her...and what's with that look of hers...Is she really alone, scared, or lost kinda like me?

- Shelly

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Nothing New

Nothing really has been happening lately...I REALLY want to go to Miley/Hannah's concert, but it's not so easy finding cheap tickets...Ugh.

- Shelly

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Far Away

OMG. I set Windows Media Player on shuffle and right now "Far Away" by Nickelback is playing. That's the song that was playing when I danced with my crush, N. Memories are flooding back...I just wish I could do it again. But I'll never get that close to him. The closest I'll ever get is in Math class where I sit right next to him. He constantly has a spearmint lifesaver in his mouth, so I'm in heaven whenever I'm near him. It brings back memories from the dance. Anyway, in Math I can faintly smell him. His natural scent is heavenly, but mixed with spearmint is even better. Now I actually like math class. XD

And I sit near him in LA and Spanish too. Yay! But that means I don't pay as much attention in class...but I'm smart and a straight A student so I should be fine. I'm still paying a good amount of attention.

- Shelly

Thursday, September 13, 2007


My crush sits next to me in several classes, so it's sometimes hard to concentrate. But since he sits next to me in Math, I actually don't hate that class anymore. XD I'll explain more later. Gotta go...

- Shelly

Saturday, September 8, 2007

In Heaven

OMG! Yesterday I went to a party where like everyone in my grade was there and some people who go to public schools, but are friends with some of the people at my school.

I got asked to dance by this one guy...but I think it was just because this other guy told him to because he wanted to ask my bff to dance (she has a huge crush on him and I like him a little) and he didn't want to do it alone...It was the first time I ever dance with a guy, so even though he didn't really like me at all, it was fun.

Later we played this game called Snowball. It started with a couple dancing. Then the DG said 'Snowball' and both the people had to find new people to dance with. It continued until everyone was dancing. Some guy we don't know asked my bff. Then this guy who I have crush on that I'm friends with asked me. I was like OMG! And this happened to be the last dance, and it was the longest one. So, I danced with him and I loved every second of it. I mean, it was just like where I had my arms around his neck and his hands resting on my waist, nothing big, but STILL. And I know it didn't mean anything and he doesn't like me, but I'm glad that even though I'm not his first choice, I'm not his last. Plus, he was chewing spearmint gum or something, so he smelled REALLY good. I wanted to lay in his arms or something, but I couldn't...and what is sad is I doubt he'd ever like me and after this year I doubt I'll ever see him again...So I know that I'll be writing something really special in his yearbook this year...

Oh, and then the guy who asked my bff to dance earlier also asked her during snowball. They're a really cute couple. :) I just wish my crush really did like me...

- Shelly

Friday, August 31, 2007

Almost Time

Not much has been going on...but for school this year every middle school student gets to use a laptop for the year! But you have to pay $161 per person...which sucks, plus the laptop is Apple, which I hate, and we're only supposed to use it for educational purposes, so I can't use it to go onto my forums. Plus, we can't download anything, so I can't download MSN messenger to talk to friends...Although there is a built in camera I can play with with a bunch of effects that makes the picture look weird. lol but that's pretty much the only thing on it that could be amusing...

I still can't believe school is almost here.But we're going to the fair sometime this weekend. That should be fun. :)

- Shelly

Thursday, August 23, 2007

School Again...

I went to the zoo w/ my BFF the other day and had tons of fun. Nothing else really has been happening.

I can't believe school is starting up in less than 2 weeks!!! It seems like Summer zoomed by. Ugh.

- Shelly

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


OMG! Another freaky-but-totally-awesome-thing happened with a guy yesterday when we went to the pool. My little cousin who is my younger sister's age, he came up to me and said that he saw Tony, a guy who is on his bus (my old bus). I told him to go tell him that I think he's a jerk (cuz I do), but he was too scared to go up to him and his friend.

Before I continue, I'll explain about this Tony guy. Before my family and I move, he was on our bus. My cousin, Dani, and Gabri (my lil' sis) were obsessed with him and thought he was like royalty or something. In truth, he was just a total jerk. I got mad at them for thinking he's so great. That was four years ago, so I didn't even recognize him, and I don't think he did until my cousin pointed me out. We've both changed tons. I know I've change inside and out, but I don't know if he did. Anyway, I was in third grade and he was in fourth when I moved. I don't know if he's changed, but I doubt I'll ever get a chance to find out even if we're going to the same High School. It's not like he'd give me the time of day...

Anyway...I told my cousin (I don't know why I was so stupid) that I thought Tony was cute, and he goes over to him and tells him!!! Later, he tells him I think he's a jerk. My cousin says he said that he hates it when girls think he's a jerk. I find it sweet he cares what I think...kinda...And later he points me out to him. Tony smiles at me and waves. I wave and give him a fake smile, then walk away. I don't know if my cousin was lying about telling him I think he's cute, but no matter what I don't really mind...

I hope he's changed, because he's soooo cute...but I'm sure he thinks I'm a freak or something...I hope he's at the pool the next time I go!

- Shelly